© Paula Vázquez

Sònia Gómez

Las Vicente matan a los hombres

Dance / Performance -  Barcelona 

Festival Complicitats 2007

︎L’Antic Teatre

03/02 | 20:00

What would happen if you went on stage with your mother? What would you talk about? The works of Sònia Gómez are almost like intimate and working diaries. Her latest work, “Las Vicente Matan a Los Hombres” is the second piece she has created with Rosa Vicente, her mother. “Las Vicente Matan a Los Hombres” is an autobiographical work and an act of love: a tribute to what precedes us and to what surrounds us. Sònia Gómez and Rosa Vicente tell us about their lives, their relation as mother and daughter, and their relation to love and men. A reflection on the passing of time, family ties, love and the differences between generations.

Concept Sònia Gómez 
By and with Rosa Vicente, Sònia Gómez 
Music djd! & Sònia Gómez 
Texts Sonia Gómez
Vídeo Txalo Toloza
Lights Alberto Barberà
Costumes Las Vicente
Set Emily  
Production Marta Oliveres / M.O.M - El Vivero

Sònia Gómez studied choreography at Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and at P.A.R.T.S - Performing Arts Training Studios in  Brussels, Belgium. As a performer, she has worked with General Eléctrica, La Carnicería and La Fura dels Baus. She has also collaborated with the other artists such as Joan Morey, Juanjo Sáez, Chicks on speed, and more. Since 2004 she has been creating her own shows:  Trilogía Egomotion, 2004; Mi madre y yo, 2004; Las Vicente matan a los hombres, 2006 with Rosa Vicente Gargallo, her own mother; Bass, concierto para animales, 2005 at l’Espai, Barcelona; I will never stop dancing, 2005; Natural2, 2006 ; HAB 303', 2007 and most recently Experiencias con un desconocido, 2007. 

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