© Norberto Llopis Segarra
Norberto Llopis Segarra
Tendency + Cosita
Performance & Documentary Film - Valencia / Amsterdam
Festival Complicitats 2008
︎La Caldera, Barcelona
29/02 | 21:00
“Tendency” is a solo by Norberto Llopis Segarra that reflects on the concept of tendencies on an abstract level. It was created in the context of the Master in performing arts at DasArts (Amsterdam). “Cosita” is a documentary film that explores the idea of game, reflecting on the type of games created by institutional behaviours, an institutional culture, where glory is enjoyed by institutions and the responsability lies in the individual.
TENDENCY: Choreography & performance: Norberto Llopis Segarra / Music: Beethoven / Production: Block DasArts / COSITA: Concept, camera and edition: Norberto Lllopis Segarra / Game Masters: David Michael diGregorio, Pere Gay Faura / Players: Guillem Mont de Palol, Christoph Leuenberger, Urska Vohar, Jasmina Krizaj, Maija Reeta Raumani.
Norberto Llopis Segarra is an artist from Valencia based in Amsterdam. He graduated at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and in 2005-2007, obtained a Master Degree at DasArts in Amsterdam. He worked as a performer with Paz Rojo, Jefta Van Dinther, among others.