SEK SEK by Taldans, a co-production D.B.M - Danse Bassin Méditerranée. © Taldans
Danse Bassin Méditerranée (DBM) Network Meeting in Barcelona
International Network Meeting - Europe / North Africa / Middle East
Festival Complicitats 2008
︎Mercat de les Flors
22/02 | 21:00
23/02 | 21:00
24/02 | 21:00
DBM - Danse Bassin Méditerranée is an international network that aims to dynamize the development of contemporary dance and performance in the Mediterranean countries, by facilitating networking and stimulating communication between artists and art professionals from the region and the rest of the world, as well as by supporting member-based activities, artistic creations and events that enhance artistic exchange and collaboration.
Between the 22 and 24 February, Festival Complicitats will host the 5th Annual Meeting of the Network during the festival. During the Barcelona meeting, various public talks, lectures and working sessions will create space to discuss important issues and tackle potential opportunities for the development of contemporary dance and the performing arts in the region.
Further details about the program are available at the Danse Bassin Méditerranée website.