© Patrícia Almeida
Cláudia Dias / RE.AL
Visita Guiada
Dance / Performance - Lisbon
Festival Complicitats 2007
︎Teatre Tantarantana
24/02 | 21:00
Spanish Premiere
Visita Guiada' (Guided Visit) by the Portuguese artist Cláudia Dias is, without doubt, the most original and poetic sightseeing tour that we will ever experience. In this performance, Dias takes us on a guided tour through her home town, Lisbon. Using day-to-day objects, she recounts her memories and their connection with the city. In doing so, Dias reflects on the link between personal and collective history, body and culture.
Concept, text and performance: Cláudia Dias
Set design and lighting: Walter Lauterer
Music: "discombobulating" by Arnold Haberl aka NOID
Sound design: André Pires
Technical direction: Mafalda Oliveira
Artistic coaching: João Fiadeiro, Olga Mesa, João Queiroz
Production: RE.AL
Funded by Direcção Geral das Artes/ Ministério da Cultura
Support: Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier - Languedoc Roussillon, dans le cadre du programme Hors-Série; Forum Dança, Companhia Teatral do Chiado, Lisantigo, Lusitânia Companhia de Seguros.
Cláudia Dias was born in Lisbon in 1972. Since 2001 she has collaborated with RE.AL, being a central performer in works of the Portuguese choreographer João Fiadeiro. Since 2003 she is an associated artist of RE.AL. She created the performances One Woman Show (2003) and Visita Guiada (2005) works that have been presented in major performing art festivals and venues in Europe and South America, among others Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internacionales de Seine-Saint-Denis or Festival Latitudes Contemporaines (France), Santarcangelo Festival (Italy), FAR – Festival dês Arts Vivants (Nyon, Swizerland) or Festival Alkantara (Lisbon).